Route number PAT012
| Instructions |
Route Title / Description
The route description is also a list of keywords that can be searchable. 80 characters max.
Do not use any single quotes('), double quotes("), slashes(/), or URL link in the route description.
Remember, the route number already shows the start location, so that is not needed.
Distance (miles)
Climbing (feet)
Hilly_ratio (ft/mile) is 0.0
Distance is in miles, to the nearest 0.1 mile. Climbing is in feet. Try to make a good guess at the climbing.
Hilly-ratio is calculated automatically.
Route map (optional) (needs to be PDF file)
none PAT012.pdf
A map file is optional, with the default being 'none'. Only option is *.pdf
Ride With GPS
route number =
If using Ride With GPS, then enter the route number, and a link will be provided to that route.
A printable map and profile will be created for any Ride With GPS route
Route sheet (required) - Replace this text with the new route
A route sheet is required for every new route. Use plain text (no tabs, no single quotes, no double quotes, no URL link), with a listing of roads,
Left and Right turns, and mileages along the way.
You may also cut/paste from an Excel file, and it will be converted to plain text for you.
Your email address
Email address is required. (see below)
- add this to pending approval list
- send an email to Bikemaster
- send you an email, asking for any
route file(s) to be sent as attachments