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Rides Starting at Livermore, Robert Livermore Park

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Driving Directions
Take Hwy 680 north
exit Hwy 580 East
exit at Vasco Rd.
Right on Vasco
Right on East Ave.
Right on Loyola Way
Left into parking lot
Total Ride Time
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Hilly Ratio
Av. Speed
Total Time
Route Description
LLP001 LLP001 101.7 4531 44.6 13.76 10:34 Corral Hollow, Del Puerto Canyon
LLP002 LLP002 69.9 4990 71.4 12.42 08:02 Mines Rd, Del Valle Rd
LLP003 LLP003 59.5 3624 60.9 12.95 06:34 To the Junction, Mines Rd
LLP004 LLP004 45.3 2802 61.9 12.90 05:01 Corral Hollow Patterson Pass Loop
LLP005 LLP005 17.6 1088 61.8 12.90 01:57 To Corral Hollow and Back
LLP006 LLP006 14.6 1170 80.1 11.99 01:44 To Patterson Pass and Back
LLP007 LLP007 20.2 1598 79.1 12.04 02:24 To Del Valle and Back
LLP008 LLP008 25.4 2003 78.9 12.05 03:01 Patterson Pass, Corral Hollow
LLP009 none 64.0 4200 65.6 12.71 07:12 Patterson Pass, Corral Hollow, Del Valle
LLP010 LLP010 76.4 6328 82.8 11.85 09:13 Mines Rd, Del Puerto Canyon
LLP011 LLP011 31.9 2263 70.9 12.45 03:40 Morgan Territory, from Livermore
LLP012 LLP012 53.5 3977 74.3 12.28 06:13 Patterson Pass, Altamont Pass, Morgan Territory
LLP013 LLP013 43.1 3212 74.5 12.27 05:01 Patterson Pass, Morgan Territory
LLP014 LLP014 34.1 2619 76.8 12.15 04:01 Corral Hollow, Del Valle
LLP015 LLP015 43.9 3667 83.5 11.82 05:18 Del Valle, Corral Hollow, Patterson Pass
LLP016 LLP016 48.7 4185 85.9 11.70 05:57 To The Junction, Mines Rd Both Ways, Start at Mines & Del Valle
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